The school is located in the Hohenfelderstr. 28 in
Hamburg/Hohenfelde, close to the stations:
U1/U2 Lübecker
Straße, U1 Wartenau, U2 Uhlandstraße und S1/S11 Landwehr.
Currently we offer courses in traditional Tai Chi Chuan in the Yang Stil (Cheng Man Chin) at the following times:
The courses run throughout the whole year, without downtime (e.g. we do not follow the school holidays!), except on public holidays. Yet, if single classes have to be cancelled (e.g. because of illness of all teachers/assitant teachers) the participants will be given notice by phone.
We plan to offer courses in further martial arts and meditation techniques in the near future, e.g.:
Pa Qua (Bagua)
Southern Shaolin
Tai Chi self defence (for all, for women, for youngsters)
Fitkids for Kids
Please, let us know if you are interested in any of these courses.
For further informationen come to the class times or call/email us at:
040-20974782, 0179-3293886 (Grant Isaacs) or 0177-5036035 (Ralf Urfells)
Email: (Grant Isaacs), (Ralf Urfells)
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